Running Mistakes I’ve Made
Photo Eliza Moore
(And I try not to make them again!)
Where do I even start? Over the years, I’ve made every running mistake possible—from wearing the wrong shoes to forgetting hair ties. But one thing is for sure…I WILL finish my run. No matter what. (Even if it means stopping halfway to tie my shoe for the 10th time. 😆)
Running seems like the simplest sport out there—just put on your shoes and go, right? But with all the fancy gear, tech, and advice floating around, it’s easy to get caught up in doing things wrong. I’ve skipped warm-ups on short runs, tackled long runs without hydration, and, in the past, ignored my body more times than I’d like to admit. I paid the price for that mistake. But luckily over the years, I’ve learned that my mistakes are lessons and thank God, because without running and constant movement, life would be pretty boring in my book!
So, I asked AI what the top five running mistakes runners make, and I have to say, I agree, only because I’m guilty as well! Let’s check out this list—and yes, I’ve made every single one!
Top 5 Running Mistakes
(That You’re Probably Making Too!)
1️⃣ Running Too Much, Too Soon
Look, I get it. You start running, feel amazing, and the next thing you know, you’re convinced you can run a marathon next weekend. Hey guys! You can’t. (Well, you can, but your legs will hate you forever.) Here’s a tip: increase your mileage by 10% per week to avoid injury and burnout. Your legs will thank you!
2️⃣ Not Fueling Properly
I hate to admit this but FOR YEARS, I ran on an empty stomach because I wanted to get my miles in before my brain realized I was awake. Smart? Nope. Eating something at least 20 minutes before a run (like a banana, PB toast, or a boiled egg) gives you energy and keeps you from running on fumes. Prep your morning running snack the night before so you are ready to tackle those miles!
3️⃣ Ignoring Your Body
Love running? Great. Hate injuries? Same. But if you don’t listen to your body, it WILL shut you down. That weird ache? That sharp pain? PAY ATTENTION. First, check in with your doctor. Next, rest for a day (or two) is much better than being out for weeks. Lastly, trust me, my running buddies and I have learned this the hard way.
4️⃣ Skipping Strength Training
Newsflash: Running alone won’t make you stronger. If you’re not doing bodyweight exercises or light strength training, you’re missing out on better endurance and fewer injuries. And yes, that means lunges, core work, and upper body strength! When your legs give out, those arms will be ready to pump you through the finish line!
5️⃣ Running Easy Runs Too Fast
I’m guilty of this one. When I run, I get excited—and suddenly, my easy run turns into an Olympic trial. Ha! But slowing down on easy days helps you build endurance and prevents burnout. Not every run needs to be a race! So chill out and enjoy the scenery! #seenicrun
My Top 3 Personal Running Mistakes
Maine Half Marathon
Now, over the past five years, I’ve had to shift how I train. My body isn’t the same, and my schedule is more challenging than ever. Here are my top three mistakes I’ve recognized and corrected.
1️⃣ Not Eating Before a Run
I started this horrible habit when I had young babies. I would peel myself out of the bed before anyone else would wake up and head out the door at 5 am! At the time, I was getting in that run, but I learned after many years of doing this that I could have felt a lot better on all my runs by eating something beforehand. Now, when I fuel up before a run, I enjoy the run more, feel less hungry, and last much longer when my belly is happy.
2️⃣ Drinking Too Much (or Too Little) Water
Hydration is tricky. Drink too little? You’ll feel dizzy. Drink too much? You’ll be sprinting…to the nearest bathroom. The key? Drink just enough before your run and bring a small bottle if you’re going longer than three miles. My bladder doesn’t want to hold water like it used to, so I’ve had to play around with drinking less than a cup before a run and then taking my hydration with me, particularly on hotter days. Here are signs that you’re dehydrated: increased thirst, dry mouth, dizziness, and headaches. Never hesitate to take care of yourself before, during, and after each run.
3️⃣ Skipping Stretching
I used to think stretching was for people who weren’t real runners. Then my lower back, IT Band, and hamstring (which are connected) disagreed. Now, I warm up before and stretch after every run. I also added yoga once a week to keep my body happy. Remember, active stretching before your run and static stretching after. Don’t skip this step—your muscles will thank you!
What Running Mistakes Have You Made?
I’ve shared mine—now it’s your turn! What’s a mistake you’ve made while running, and what did you learn from it? Drop a comment below! Let’s all learn (and laugh) together. 😆